SKU: MH002 Category: Brand:


Our Garlic Paste Seasoning is practical and it can be used to marinate meat, to bake bread or to season any kind of stew. 1 tsp = 2 cloves of fresh garlic. It can be spread directly from the jar since it is already cooked.

Country of Origin / Shipped from: Mexico
Harmonized Tariff Code: 2103909900
Item UPC: 7503026711002
Case UPC: 7503026711002
Inner Pack: No
Inner UPC: NA
Package Type: Glass Jar
Product Presentation Kg: 226.8 gr
Product Presentation Lb: 8 oz
Units per master case: 12
Master Packaging Material : cardboard
Weight (Kg): 4.85Weight (Lb): 10.69
Length (cm): 29.5Length (in): 11.51
Width (cm): 20.5Width (in): 8.00
Heigth (cm): 10.9Heigth (in): 4.25
Ti: 16
Hi: 10
Master Cs per Pallet: 160
Pallet Weight (Kg): 796
Pallet Weight (Lb): 1753.30
Months: 12
Months Guarantee at Pick up: 11
Storage: Dry
Celsius: 30
Fahrenheit: 86